Hey I’m Aston

Mar 6, 2022


Thanks for stumbling into my new medium. I’m Aston, and this is where I will be publishing some analytics, reviews, and insights on NFT projects and more.

A little about me:
I’m the Strategy and Partnerships Director at Luart.io, additionally a Contributor at BaconDAO and advising numerous NFT projects in Terra. Outside of the ecosystem, I dabble in my own little bit of trading when I do have the time, but I’m largely an NFT degen.

Outside of Crypto, I’m an analyst that focuses on quantitative and qualitative research into consumer behaviour. My forte resides in strategy development through analytics.

Without further a due, I look forward to publishing my analysis and reports for all to read. See you shortly.

Best wishes,

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Aston_Tan
Email: aston@luart.io
Telegram: @Astonnn




Strategic Developments and Consumer Behaviour | Strategy & Partnerships at Luart.io | Contributor at BaconDAO | Advising multiple NFT projects on Terra.